Assembly 2022-2024 | Innovation by ANIA 2024




ANIA Assembly 2022, 2024 and IV edition of Innovation by ANIA 2024.


Parco della Musica Auditorium and Congress Palace, Rome

About ANIA

ANIA is a voluntary non-profit association. Its main objective, as recognized by its Statute, is to develop and spread the culture of safety and prevention throughout the country, so that individuals, businesses, and society as a whole can be better and more comprehensively protected.
Founded in 1944 as the National Association among Insurance Companies, ANIA brings together entities that have long managed and covered a diverse range of risks. It represents its members and the Italian insurance market to major political and administrative institutions, including the government and parliament, trade unions, and other social forces. ANIA studies and collaborates on solving problems of a technical, economic, financial, administrative, fiscal, social, legal, and legislative nature concerning the insurance industry.

Ania Assembly 2024
The Future
is in Our History

The event organized by Filmmaster, featured the participation of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who was welcomed by ANIA President Maria Bianca Farina. She presented him with a plaque and a book on the history of insurance. Following the national anthem performed by the choir, an emotional video was shown to celebrate ANIA's 80th anniversary and the release of their book.

Institutional Interventions
Speeches from the Highest Offices of State

President Farina delivered a speech, followed by a video message from the Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, and IVASS President, Luigi Federico Signorini. The ceremony concluded with the presentation and signing of the book by President Farina and Minister Antonio Tajani, and a final thank-you speech from President Farina.

Innovation By Ania 2024
IV edition of Innovation by ANIA
Relationship between insurance and AI

The event "Innovation by ANIA," held on April 23, 2024, at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome, produced by Filmmaster, was a significant gathering dedicated to exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and the insurance sector. The agenda featured prominent speakers including Maria Bianca Farina, the President of ANIA, who discussed the new frontiers for the insurance industry in the era of AI. Throughout the day, various sessions were conducted chaired by Barbara Carfagna, focusing on critical themes such as AI & Cyber Risk, AI & Climate Change, and AI & Health.
The event wrapped up with a closing speech by Maria Bianca Farina, emphasizing the importance of technological and digital innovation in insurance.

A Roundable discussion
with Industry Leaders & Academics

Notable contributions came from industry leaders and academics, such as Bruno Frattasi, the Director General of the National Cybersecurity Agency, Eugenio Guglielmelli, the Rector of the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, who offered insights into their respective fields. The event also included pitches from innovative startups, such as Federico D’Albenzio, Business Developer Eoliann and Bruno Cordioli, Co-founder & CEO di Muscope, highlighting their solutions and the potential impact on the insurance industry and society at large.
The fourth edition of this event attracted over 350 participants from the financial, insurance, institutional, and academic sectors to discuss building a safer and sustainable future.

Ania Assembly 2022
The future
of the future

The ANIA Assembly 2022 celebrated the role of Insurance as key players for the progress and competitiveness of Italy. During the assembly, notable figures such as Giancarlo Giorgetti, Minister of Economic Development; Maria Bianca Farina, President of ANIA; Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Deputy Minister of Economic Development; and Luigi Federico Signorini, President of IVASS.
Finally, the event concluded with two artistic performances: the actress Anna Foglietta, who delivered a monologue focused on the theme of the Assembly, "The future of the future," and the violinist Andrea Casta, who moved the audience by performing the Italian national anthem, the "Inno di Mameli".

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